Around the Philippines: A Perspective on the Demographics of Pinoy Ophthalmology Training
While we are fortunate that the Philippines is home to some of the best landscapes and islands in the world, the same pose geographic and economic challenges when it comes to public health, specifically

Proust Questionnaire
1. What is your favorite virtue?
My favorite virtue is humility. It is acknowledging your talents and capabilities as gifts and blessings and using them to help others without fanfare

NOSP 2022 News Bits #1
The Neuro-Ophthalmology Society of the Philippines (NOSP) successfully held the 1st Virtual NOSP Interhospital Grand Rounds last March 25, 2022. Ophthalmology trainees from 11 institutions participated

The CTB: Unabridged
The Editorial Staff of the PAO Coffee Table Book would like to thank all the PAO members for the very positive and encouraging feedback given during its book

Financial Acuity In Times of Crisis
Dollar Investment In gold we trust S&P 500 10 year Philippine Government Bond Cryptocurrency Importance of Insurance Raoul Paolo D. Henson Oculoplastic surgeon Lasik surgeon Entrepreneur Investor

The PSCRS takes the first LEAP
Diverting from the usual presentations on Cataract Surgery, the PSCRS began the PAO LEAP with a session on Phakic IOL Implantation. The procedure is a feasible alternative to Refractive Laser Surgery

FEU-NRMF Providing Effective, Efficient, Accessible, and State-of-the-Art Service
As millions face changes brought on by the pandemic, the FEU-NRMF Department of Ophthalmology strives to adjust to the “new

CSMC Eye Clinic 2022
We have all struggled to maintain a semblance of normalcy during the pandemic. Like most institutions, Cardinal Santos Medical Center went through the hardships of dealing with Covid cases, the

De La Salle University Medical Center Covid Response
The COVID 19 pandemic caught us all off guard, but we did not remain defenseless. The De La Salle University Medical Center- Department of Ophthalmology caters to people’s eye health not only in Cavite

The Road to the First IAC in the Philippines
The Road to the First IAC in the Philippines “The long and winding road that leads to your door will never disappear.” These words from Paul McCartney and John Lennon constantly played in my mind