The new Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology (PAO) Executive Council for 2024-2025 has been sworn in. Let us get to know them in this short snippet!
1. What is your favorite virtue?
My favorite virtue is humility. It is acknowledging your talents and capabilities as gifts and blessings and using them to help others without fanfare

The Philippine Glaucoma Society and 25 years of Preserving the Gift of Sight The Philippine Glaucoma Society celebrated its 25 th year anniversary with asymposium on the first day of the Annual PAO

The VRSP Mulat Mata Project: Saving Filipinos from Diabetic Retinopathy Blindness
Written by: Glenn Alog, MD Every 14th of November, World Diabetes Day (WDD) is celebrated to increase public awareness regarding diabetes and its complications. This year’s theme continues from 2021’s

PiNoY Energy in Full Swing By Dr Erika Salvame
The Philippine Network of Young Ophthalmologist (PiNoY) celebrated its debut involvement in international conferences at the 6th ASEAN Ophthalmology Society (AOS) Congress held in Manila Philippines

App and About!
Must-have Mobile Apps for Every PiNoYJanin Lou Billano, MD and Melissa Anne Santos-Gonzales, MD Smartphones have become one of the most important necessities in this modern digital age. It has also

Three Stars and A Sun at the ASOPRS 2023
The Pearl of the Orient shone brightly in the recently concluded 54th Annual Fall Scientific Symposium of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS) in San Francisco,

The 6th ASEAN Ophthalmology Society Congress: Celebrating a Decade of Vision and Innovation
Written by: Dr. Faye Levina, Dr. Jose Carlo Artiaga The 6th ASEAN Ophthalmology Society Congress (AOS) marked a significant milestone as it celebrated its 10th founding anniversary in conjunction with

Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Leadership Development Program MasterClass 2023 goes to Manila!
Written by: Chay Tanlapco, MD, DPBO, FPAO The APAO Leadership Development Program (LDP) has been dedicated to equipping prospective leaders in ophthalmology within our region with essential professional

Around the Philippines: A Perspective on the Demographics of Pinoy Ophthalmology Training
While we are fortunate that the Philippines is home to some of the best landscapes and islands in the world, the same pose geographic and economic challenges when it comes to public health, specifically

Economic Recession: Should I Be Afraid?
Listen to Dr. Francis Lee Hok as he tackles on the looming recession and how to prepare for it. 00:00 Introduction 01:20 What is recession ? 13:01 How are we in the Philippines ? 16:06 How to manage