FEU-NRMF Providing Effective, Efficient, Accessible, and State-of-the-Art Service
As millions face changes brought on by the pandemic, the FEU-NRMF Department of Ophthalmology strives to adjust to the “new normal” by engaging in different activities that would continue to deliver a holistic approach in producing highly competent and compassionate eye care specialists.

The FEU-NRMF Service Tele-Consultation was strengthened using different platforms like Facebook Messenger, Zoom Video-Conferencing or Viber. This paved the way to triaging medical and surgical cases that needed more attention. Moreover, to further widen its patient network and increase patient education, the department encouraged recruitment of patients with cataract and pterygium by publishing posters through Facebook.

And finally, the Service Out-Patient Department extended its work hours until Sunday to entertain more patients and gather more experience for its residents. As part of a prestigious teaching institution, clerks and interns started their face-to-face rotation in the Eye Center and Out-Patient Department since December 2021.

Lastly, in celebration of the Glaucoma week, free glaucoma screening was offered to the patients, along with a huge discount on Glaucoma diagnostic tests like Perimetry and OCT. Despite of the posing great challenge in these trying times, the department managed to perform its mission of providing effective, efficient, accessible and state-of-the-art services provided by highly competent, compassionate, and committed staff.

Author’s bio:
Julia Villalva is a second-year resident in FEU-NRMF. She’s the middle child among three girls and she loves to hangout with her dogs during her free time.