Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Leadership Development Program MasterClass 2023 goes to Manila!
Written by: Chay Tanlapco, MD, DPBO, FPAO The APAO Leadership Development Program (LDP) has been dedicated to equipping prospective leaders in ophthalmology within our region with essential professional
Around the Philippines: A Perspective on the Demographics of Pinoy Ophthalmology Training
While we are fortunate that the Philippines is home to some of the best landscapes and islands in the world, the same pose geographic and economic challenges when it comes to public health, specifically
Economic Recession: Should I Be Afraid?
Listen to Dr. Francis Lee Hok as he tackles on the looming recession and how to prepare for it. 00:00 Introduction 01:20 What is recession ? 13:01 How are we in the Philippines ? 16:06 How to manage
Proust Questionnaire
1. What is your favorite virtue?
My favorite virtue is humility. It is acknowledging your talents and capabilities as gifts and blessings and using them to help others without fanfare